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Sat on the Rocks

Empower Yourself With Debbi Rozowsky

Since 1998 Debbi has devoted herself to assisting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) sufferers so that they can identify, normalise and learn to manage their symptoms in their quest for regained emotional health.


Debbi's Story

Trauma & Crime Counsellor

Debbi Rozowsky is a bomb survivor (1989) who suffered posttraumatic stress disorder for seven years. She attempted to get help from psychologists who themselves were baffled by her symptoms. Since 1998 Debbi has devoted herself to assisting other PTSD sufferers so that they can identify, normalise and learn to manage their symptoms in their quest for regained emotional health. Debbi believes in the importance of creating meaning and making practical positive changes to gain value from the experience.


In 2002 Debbi was a finalist in the Woman of Worth competition; she has previously lectured on Trauma at the South African College of Applied Psychology, she has presented papers at international Victimology Conferences, she has written a book on preventing and dealing with crime entitled “Surviving Crime” (2002) and she wrote a question and answer style page in the YOU and HUISGENOOT magazines for five years in addition to counselling, training and debriefing people in the workplace. She is the former Crime/Trauma counsellor for ADT Security (Western Cape) and is an informational and inspirational speaker.


Debbi has counselled many thousands of clients who have gone on to live a more enriched life as a result of her input following their crisis.




  • B.PRIM ED 1980 (U.C.T.)

  • Trauma Counsellor – SAPS (1999 TO 2006)

  • Private Practice ( 2004 – current)

  • Author of the book “SURVIVING CRIME”

  • Debriefer and Counsellor for Primedia Journalists

  • Invited speaker to International Victimology Conferences

  • Former Debriefer and Trainer of ADT Security Staff (8years)

  • Former Trauma Counsellor for ADT Clients (Western Cape)

  • Inspirational, Motivational and Informational Speaker

  • Lecturer at SA College of Applied Psychology on Trauma

  • Five years Columnist at “YOU” AND “HUISGENOOT” magazines on Trauma and Crime

  • “WOMAN OF WORTH” Finalist

  • FIFA World Cup 2010 trauma and crime counsellor for Western Cape Tourism

  • Staff wellness counsellor

Support That Makes a Difference

Woman Stalked in Garage

Trauma, crime and crisis counselling

Trauma is an overwhelming emotional response to an unexpected negative event that is either life threatening or out of the normal realm of life. These types of events can be experienced firsthand or witnessed.
Trauma interrupts your life on multiple levels. A post(after) trauma stress response can lead to a long lasting posttraumatic stress disorder if not addressed.
Counselling guides understanding and management of potential symptoms that usually follow a traumatic event.
Debbi  offers a practical path to healing. A crime and trauma survivor herself, with over 20 years of counselling experience.

Engaged Couple

Family & Relationship Counselling

In relationships communication is often interpreted incorrectly and one can react according to their own perception of what is heard and read. This can happen in friendships, romantic relationships and in the family system. Overtime couples in relationships can require a 'reset' in order to find each other again. What affects one member of the family affects the whole family. Family and relationship counselling gives each family member a chance to be heard and the opportunity to speak truthfully with no judgement in a safe and controlled space. Healthy guidelines for further communication in the family is created in the sessions.


Bereavement Counselling

When someone close to us passes away we can enter a stage of shock and disbelief. In time true feelings come to the surface that can be debilitating. Debbi, through her counselling, offers a pathway to manage the grief process and provides guidance to manage the new reality.

Holding Hands

Emotional & Motivational Support

Due to emotional distress and feeling overwhelmed, employees’ productivity is often negatively affected. This can be presented in the form of absenteeism, staff conflict, physical manifestations such as headaches and poor concentration; leading to a lack of motivation in the workplace. Debbi works with leading companies to support staff members who need confidential and individual counselling in order to deal with both personal and professional issues impairing their performance.

Students Taking Exams

Anxiety Support

Anxiety is extremely prevalent in today’s world. Debbi assists clients by identifying the source of their anxiety and how to manage their symptoms, together creating a framework to manage anxiety levels in the future.

Wandering Traveler

Teenager Counselling

Teenagers live between the two worlds of childhood and adulthood, they can find this stage overwhelming. Teenagers need to deal with social media, self-esteem, changing bodies, peer pressure and parental expectations among other modern pressures. Debbi helps anxious teenagers to navigate their way through this challenging stage of life by giving them practical and emotional tools to build their self esteem and remain true to themselves.

Published Books

Uplifting Reads about Resilience and Tenacity


Having to Step Up

"HAVING TO STEP UP" is a riveting account of the life and work of Debbi Rozowsky.

In her latest book, Debbi turns the lens inward, exploring her own journey through traumatic experiences, such as surviving a bomb blast, addiction, confronting defective parenting, and raising a child with Asperger’s Syndrome.

Honest, heartfelt, and peppered with a dose of humour, "HAVING TO STEP UP" is more than just an autobiography. It is an empowering guide that offers practical solutions to life's most daunting challenges. 

A must-read for anyone navigating life’s turbulent waters and a testament to the power of stepping up when life demands it the most. Dive into Debbi's world and emerge with renewed strength and hope.



Read it in one night!

Debbi, I devoured your book in one day. It has blown me away… that you have been through so much pain and trauma in your life and just keep fighting and smiling, is a testimony to your strong character, your resilience and your positivity. You are one incredibly special lady. (Susan)


The book is wonderful!

Thank you for your wonderful book! I so enjoyed going on the journey with you. It is so inspiring and practical, it shows the way forward, in addition to the story. Learning about how our brains keep us safe and what happens in the body is so interesting. Your advice all makes sense. All the best! (Lauren)


Surviving Crime

Surviving crime explains Debbi's own process of healing and growth, but the main focus of the book is to share with survivors and their families both the obvious and subtler symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The book normalises the emotional reactions of survivors and shows them the way to not only overcome the trauma, but also maximise their potential and achieve their life's goals.


Contact Debbi if you would like to purchase a copy of Surviving Crime.


Schedule a Session

Contact Debbi to schedule a counselling session at her practice in Mouille Point. Alternatively, skype, telephonic and email sessions are also available.


"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

Anais Nïn


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